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Simple, Quick Way To Thread Rope On Push Lawn Mower
“When a starter rope breaks on a push lawn mower or other equipment, most people take the machine to a small engine shop to have the rope rethreaded. It’s a tricky thing to do yourself.
  “I came up with a simple, quick way to thread the rope. I turn the starter spring until it’s tight and reverse it one or two turns, securing the rope pulley to make sure I don’t overtighten the spring. Then I thread some mechanics wire through the starter housing where the rope comes out and through the hole in the pulley. I use a torch to heat the end of the wire until it gets red hot, then push the end of the nylon rope onto the wire and let it cool. That lets me pull the wire through the starter housing and the pulley, then cut the rope off the wire and tie a knot. I finally release the pulley so the starter spring will unwind and pull the rope onto the pulley.”

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2014 - Volume #38, Issue #2